Katie Coker's Tips for Getting Dorm-Room Ready

By Katie Coker on Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring break passed in the blink of an eye, and now graduation is right around the corner. Right after graduation, I’ll be moving to college along with many other seniors, so every second counts. That’s why I used my spring break time wisely; I got so much accomplished.

My break wasn’t spent lying on the beach or skiing down snow-capped mountains; I was way more productive with my preparation for college. 

I started by cleaning out every inch of my closet and dressers. It was a bit ridiculous how long it has been since I cleaned out my clothes considering that I had clothes dating back to the seventh grade. 

It is important to realize that dorm rooms are way smaller than most of our rooms back home, so it is smart to only take clothes that are necessary for everyday living. (It's going to be very hard for me to only take a minimum amount of clothes!)

Secondly, my future college roommate and I decided what we wanted our room to look like and the color scheme. We bought bedding, picture frames and accessories that all matched.

The rest of my spring break was spent labeling my graduation invitations and searching for more scholarships. 

Don’t let these last two months slip away and be unprepared for graduation and moving to college. The early bird catches the worm!