Trey Schucker Hobbles Toward Last ACT Test

By Trey Schucker on Monday, December 6, 2010

I recently had surgery on my left knee because of torn cartilage. The surgery was last Wednesday, and I am doing very well. The incident happened during a football game, but I finished the rest of the season. I am on crutches right now, and it is making my arms and shoulders very sore. The doctor says that I will have to be on crutches for four weeks.

I go to physical therapy three times a week for eight weeks. I am seriously getting tired of being on these crutches! It is so hard to get around at school with crowded hallways. Some of my friends try to steal my crutches and play with them, which I try my best not to let happen. I have to rest every so often because I get tired and my arms hurt. It is so hard to do everyday things like take a shower or even just stand up, but I’ll be fine in a few weeks.

The ACT test is Saturday and I am getting ready for that. It has been really hard to think about the ACT test this past week because it was just a rough week academically for me. I had a mound of work all week long and finished with a few tests. And me being on crutches just added to all of that. This is my last time to take the ACT test and a point or two more is the difference of thousands of dollars. Talk about stress! I am just trying to finish strong at school and keep my GPA up. It is so hard because I am so ready for the Christmas break, but I still have to stay focused on my school work.