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Know Your Options: Graduate Degrees

You may need a graduate degree for specialized careers in which you can maximize your earning potential.

Know Your Options: Transfer Degrees

This is a great option if you're working to get into your dream school.

Know Your Options: Four-Year Degrees

Going the traditional four-year degree path means you also get to choose electives and take classes in other subjects that interest you.

Know Your Options: Two-Year Degrees

A two-year degree can save you time and money and get you in the career field even sooner!

Know Your Options: Concurrent Credit

Concurrent credit allows students to earn college credit while still in high school.

We Need More Unsung Heroes

From plumbers and power line crews to truck drivers and teachers, there’s a slew of professions that often go unappreciated despite being absolutely essential to our society.

Booming Arkansas Industry: Manufacturing

There have been 7,000+ new jobs created and retained in manufacturing over the past five years in Arkansas, according to

Booming Arkansas Industry: Construction

Construction is the 12th largest industry in the United States