Important ACT & SAT Exam Changes
By Arkansas NEXT on Monday, October 25, 2021
Remember: There may be limited testing capacity in certain areas this fall and spring due to COVID–19 and varying health restrictions. ACT and SAT testing centers may close before the administration, right up until test day, so students should check the tests' testing center closure pages before (and on) test day to confirm their test is still being administered that day. If your test center closes and ACT is unable to move you to another test center nearby, you will be required to adjust your registration. Meanwhile, some last-minute and unexpected issues may be resolved through make-up testing, where your test is rescheduled to a new test day.
Visit or for more information, to check test center closures or to register for an upcoming test.
Last year's addition of the new "super score" system has been well-received. In case you missed it: ACT now provides an automatically calculated "super score" to all students who have taken the ACT more than once—which means you can take the average of your four best subject scores from each ACT test attempt, and it will count as your official score. Students will also be able to re-take specific test sections that they want to improve, without having to take the full test.
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