Take A Sneak Peek at Your Future Dorm Room
By Arkansas NEXT Staff on Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Yes, the rooms are small. Yes, the walls are thin. Yes, you’re going to have to share a bathroom and store your stuff in creative ways. But no matter where you land, or which roommate you get, you’re going to love dorm life. It’s one of the coolest parts of the traditional college experience!
Take a look at some campus living quarters from around the state to see what you can expect freshman year. (And don't forget to check out (and print) Dorm Room Checklist: 80+ Essentials to Bring With You on Moving Day!)

Arkansas Next Staffers' 5 Dorm Room Must-Haves
“Get a lockable safe or trunk. My sophomore-year roommate frequently ‘borrowed’ my things without asking. You just never know whether an assigned roommate is going to be nosey — or a klepto — so lockable storage is a must to keep precious valuables out of reach."
– Lindsay Irvin, Editor
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Class of 2007
"A drying rack. I borrowed my friends’ all the time, much to their dislike. Buy the folding kind that you can store anywhere. Not everything can be thrown in the dryer, and I promise you, there won’t be a lot of places to hang up your clothes. A drying rack is super cheap and a life-saver."
– Devan Malone, Marketing Director
Ouachita Baptist University, Class of 2013
"I’m going to be honest with you. I got an iron for graduation and the only time I used it in college was to iron on a transfer photo of a ‘90s heartthrob onto a T-shirt for a theme party. Chances are, you’re probably not going to iron your clothes either. Instead, snag a couple bottles of Downy Wrinkle Releaser Spray. That stuff is worth its weight in liquid, wrinkle-free gold."
– Jess Ardrey, Little Rock Soirée Editor
Harding University, Class of 2011
"You ought to invest in a coffee maker. I’m talking about a 12-cup, standard coffee maker. Your roommate’s Keurig will be fancy and convenient, but K-cups are expensive for daily use. Also, if you do not have a dishwasher, French presses are no fun to constantly clean by hand. ...get a coffee maker."
– Grace Oxley, former Intern
Hendrix College, Class of 2016